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tv   Fox 5 News at 6  FOX  March 17, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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tonight at 6:00, the conflicting picture emerges as neighbors provide new details with a u.s. soldier accused of going on a shooting rampage in afghanistan. and the president raises more campaign fund as a gop contender changes his focus. we begin with the shooting rampage in afghanistan. staff sergeant bales was flown
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to fort leavenworthwhere he was placed in his own cell, this, as conflicting images and reports come up. >> this is a photo of army staff sargeant robert bales, the soldier accused of massacring 16 afghan civilians, tank last month when he was training in a mockup with his unit blackhawk company. his unit deployed in keys betterment bales is being held at fort leavenworth, a military police ton in kansas. we are learning more details about the 38-year-old farther of two. he underwent anger counseling. but neighbors in lake taps washington said that bales never expressed a lot of' motions with his mullet. deployment to iraq and afghanistan but he was guarded when talking about them. neighbors are shocked but expressed compassion for bales i feel so sorry for him and his
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family. he is just the victim of a terrible, terrible war. and, you know, usually, when something like that happens, it's a related to ptsd. >> those who grew up with him described him as a smart student. >> he needed something bigger in his heart and mind and soul and that's why he bent into the military. he even held a part-time job, taking care of a boy with autism. bales' defensive lawyer already appears to be laying the ground work for defense, suggesting that is normal guy suffering from posttraumatic stress during his fourth deployment. they were totally shocked. he never said anything ape tag antagonistic about muslims or middle eastern people in general. he has been very mild mannered. they were very shocked by this.
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>> the court records show bales had a couple of brushes with the law including a 2008 hit- and-run accident and a 2002 arrest for assault on a girlfriend. that case was dismissed of a he underwent anger management counseling. now to the crisis in syria. twin suicide car bombings killed 27 people and wounded 140 others today the target, intelligence and security buildings in the capital of damascus which is considered a strong hold of president bashar assad. no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing. a shift in strategy for mitt romney, cutting his trip to puerto rico short to spend time in illinois. polls show romney slitly ahead. rick santorum was in hisry where republicans are holding caucuses today. >> president obama raised about five million dollar for his reelection campaign in a two- state five event tour
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yesterday. he traveled to chicago and then to atlanta to pick up donations from supporters at events where some tickets cost $10,000. while acknowledging that the work is hard and sloarks he reminded them of why they voted for him in 2008. >> i promised you change will come. the change you believe in will come. and we will remind the world once again why it is that the united states of america is the greatest country on earth. >> mr. obama's speech included his key issue of health care reform and what he called a fair tax code. president obama wants to end subsidies to oil companies. he says congress will be voting on the subsidy issues in the next few weeks. >> we're going to put every single member of congress on record. they can either stand up for
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the oil companies or they can stand up for the american people. they can either place their bets on a fossil fuel from the lassen curie or they can place their bets on america's future. >> the white house has quadrupled the number of rigs offshore but ending the sub skis would only pass cost to consumers, the republicans say. mr. obama decided to head out for a pint at the dubliner on capitol hill today. the bar's owner, danny and gavin coleman said that the secret service gave them 30 minutes notice. next thing they knew, there was the president drinking a guiness and chatting with pay trons. >> so honored to have him here. >> it was especially exciting for us. and my husband patrick and me because we were here on his inauguration day and actually met colin powell here.
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and here is four years later on st. patrick's. >> exciting, indeed. the president managed to get a button on his jacket that says, vip guest. tell them danny sent you. lots of folks enjoying the sunshine right here in gait gaithersburg for the city's 12th annual celebration. the parade featured celtic dancers, pipe bands>> mother nature may have a touch irish. >> right. perfect day for people celebrating. we didn't too badly. 75 at duls for a high and 71 at bwi thurgood marshall. it's still very nice outsite. 74 at dulles and 70 at
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baltimore. and, you know, skies are fairly clear. we got just a little bit of cloud coverage out there. the clouts will increase. we head into today and tonight. be prepared for that otherwise, not bad at all. we've got a pretty nice day on tap for you tomorrow. overnight, we're going to have to deal with some fog. by about 10:00, we'll see more increasing clouds. the clouds will continue to roll in into the overnight hours. 62 degrees. by 11:00, about 67. tomorrow is not looking too bad. i've got a pretty nice forecast for you and we continue to be on at that streak of those temperatures well above seasonal. that's one thing as we head out of winter into spring. that's not seeming like it's going to change. the full forecast ahead. >> thank you, glen. >> you can check weather any time with our weather app. go to the app store or the android market to download it on your smart phone a fire in prince george's
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county gave firefighters all they can handling. the fire came from an attached garage. a collapsed wall forced them to battle the fire from the outside. no one was hurt but the family that lives there has been displaced. a news alert on two shootings in the district. the first one happened on the 4200 block of edson place. police found one man dead in the treatment he has been identified as 21-year-old sean junior ray. a second man was wounded. his name has not been released. police believe that the gunmen were mass canned. >> more shooting in the 2300 block in southeast. another man was taken for treatment and in post of theere information leading to a conviction the former lacrosse player convicted of killing his girlfriend in her offcampus apartment at the university of
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virginia wants a new trial. lawyers for george huguely asked for a new trial but have not released any information on why. the jury found huguely guilty of second degree murder in the death of yard lee love. coming up, director detained. we'll tell you about the bizarre incident involving the man behind the kony 2012. one of the biggest game parlors will open later but they are hiring now. and the create for one of the most popular energy drinks around has passed away. details when fox 5 news at 6:00 returns. 
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new information on the arrest of the man who made a iew began dan warlord a household name. earlier report is that kony 2012 director was arrested for a lewd act on the street. now, we learn that he was running in his underwear. russell has not been hospitalized for exhaustion anddehydration. a nazi concentration camp guard turned ohio automaker has died. john damianyuk has lost his u.s. citizenship and was deported.
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he was frequently brought to court in a hospital bed. when the court did convict him for his role at a nazi death camp in poland. he died in a german nursing home at the age of 91 the time man who created the very popular red bull popular energy drink also died. he founded a pharmaceutical company that formulated the drink in the 70s. it didn't rise to popularity in the u.s. until recent years he was ranked one of the richest men in the world worth several billions dollars. he died of natural causes at the age of 89. >> you can call it a sign of the time. coming up, hundreds line up for a chance to work at a huge casino set to open in maryland. and it's a great day to take a trip to the eastern shore but are higher tolls keeping drivers away from the bay bridge? the answer when we return. >> we continue to get temperatures well above seasonal average. it's not over. plenty of this southern, really nice flow is headed our way.
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wait until you see our forecast. [ female announcer ] with xfinity, you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider.
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♪ love can be so mystical ♪ ththe passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not...that... we'd ever brag about it... turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how did that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. a huge mall at arundel mills is also a top tourist destination maryland but get ready for more people. one of the biggest casinos in the world will be opening there in about 12 weeks. today, that casino held a job fair. fox 5-on hanrahan has the story. >> construction is well underway for the maryland live casino at arundel mills mall. it will be the third gaming
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parlor to open in the three states and by far the large. >> 4570 electronic machines and 400 table games. on the vegas strip, not one casino of that size. in atlantic city, not one of that size. >> at least 1500 people will be employed here. >> jobs are starting to post now every day. all right. >> please go online. apply for as many jobs as you feel you would like to. >> oh, yeah. >> and then that will get the system rolling for you. >> executive chef rudy volpe needs 60 cooks for all kinds of food. >> the market live buffet will have an asian station, a seafood station, italian station, what we call an american station. >> chef opee and other managers were interviewing hundreds and hundreds of people who turned out for a casino job fair. so many people came, some had to wait in an outsideline for up to 40 minutes to even get an initial interview. most applicants like these two
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young men from laurel, came awayoptimistic. >> they seem like they want people there. >> working hard people. >> are you going to get the job? >> i hope so. i hope i get a call back. >> jude novak hopes that the casino will provide him a second job. >> i work at home loading trucks, getting people products out there for people. >> i need something on a part- time basis, getting me a little extra money and dealing with people. >> all must pass a state background check. the maryland live casino is hiring people now but the big push will come in may. the huge casino is scheduled to open in early june. in anne arundel county, john hanrahan, fox 5 news. higher tolls are not keeping drivers off the chesapeake bay bridge. the daily times report there has been a 3% increase in
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traffic since that time. clans pore station officials said that the who will tyke was necessary to pay for bridge upkeep due to the shortfall in the state budget. >> traffic patterns around the tidal basin will change in the next month to keep traffic moving at the height of the cherry blossom festival. all four lanes will be redirected to flow northbound only. there will be no access to west potomac park. park service officials are urging visitors to take metro because parking in the area is going to be limited. turning to our glorious weather. oh, my goodness. >> i don't even have words for it anymore. anything you can think of that's in the lovely department? >> wonderful. >> there you go. >> it's amazing. >> no complaining. >> it's been beautiful. one of the reasons with all the warmth that we have is run of the reasons why the cherry blossoms are starting so much
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early. >> it was the same way in 19290 so thinks historical this that this is happening. >> good tid bit . >> let's go outside. the cameras are shaking a little bit. because of a little bit of wind. continues continue to be well above seasonal. the clouds increasing tonight, though, however, in the overnight hour. some patchy fog will develop and it will stick amend for your morning as well if you are headed to morning service. unsettled weather in the five- day forecast and also some sunshine but those temperatures continue to stay well above seasonal. looking at today's highs. 75 degrees at reagan national ain't. the same at dallas. 71 at bwi thurgood marshal. temperatures now into the 70 range and still very, very enjoyable. 70 at gaithersburg. 74 for gait thus burg north.
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a little cooler in annapolis at 62, a little closer to the water as we head to the mid- atlantic, look at boss tonight this is where the cooler air is settling in. 46. 64 degrees for new york city. as we head into the long period, we're going to see that warmth continuing up the mid- atlantic. looks like new england is going to be in for a nice good flow and you can see some temperatures breaking some records in the next 24 to 48 hours. sky conditions not bad. we have a ridge of high pressure off the coast of new england. that's dominating our weather pattern. we are going to see increasing clouds into the course of tonight. let's take a quick look at radar because areas to the west, a different story. we've got some rain and a few thunderstorms embedded here that are moving your way through. i expect to see some of this headed its way into parts of west virginia into the panhandle. not anticipating it making it too far east but i can't rule out a passing sprinkle. other than, that things are actually going to be fairly calm around here. as we go back to the weather maps then, we are ending up
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seeing a little bit of that patchy fog in the morning but it's going to start to develop after midnight tonight. then we'll watch that moisture start to push its way in across the west. it will head into pennsylvania and ohio and parts of west virginia into the panhandle. we are looking at some morning clouds and then partly sunny skies throughout the day. the day for the most part look like it's going to be pretty good but i'm going to keep a close eye on this and see if we can get a little sprinkle or two. right now, 20% chance of that happening. >> here is all the warmth all across 3/4 of the country this is going to push its way into the mid-atlantic and we're going to start to see our temperatures fairly well into the 70s. tomorrow a little bit of an exception. we'll be a little cooler with the cloud coverage. we are looking at temperatures into the 60s. mid day, about 62 degrees. for tonight then, once again, we'll see increasing clouds and some patchy fog in the overnight hours. 48 degrees. southeasterly wind from 5 to 10 miles per hour. and then tomorrow, expecting us to get about 67 in the city and
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areas to the south will see temperature hit that 70-degree mark. here is the five-day forecast. temperatures continue to be in the 70s into the course of the week. chance of thunderstorms. right now, only a 30% chance of seeing showers on tuesday as well. mostly sunny by thursday. but as you can see, those temperatures just continue to climb. i'm tell you we are going into spring like a nice lamb. >> love it. >> and when does spring officially snit. >> the 20th. >> okay. >> i tell you, all my years here, i never have seen a march this nice. >> the 21st. >> right. around that time. >> i surprised you. >> i never have soon a march this mild. >> very, very exceptional. even the forecasters are saying, what's going on? once again, it's historical, just like march 19920. enjoy the cherry blossom. thank you, gwen.
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an indiana woman, you might recall, lost her legs protecting her children. stephanie decker was hurt in the tornado that hit henryville, indian ya. she has more surgery and will have to deal with prosthetic legs but the help that the family has gotten so far has been priceless, she says. >> the support has been tremendous. it has really taken a burden off all of us and helped us to just be a family. >> decker had just could have had her children with a blanked in the basement of their own when a steel beam fell and crushed her. i'm dave felton in columbus, ohio as the georgetown hoyas prepare for their game. 
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hello, everybody, i'm land say murphy. georgetown guard was tired of the one and con so he stepped up. it was the first win for the hoyas in the tournament so they will live to play another one. the hoyas closed the deal against belmont who was on an 18-game winning streak. the result, a 15-point victory. georgetown is on to the round of 32. they will face nc state tomorrow. the number 1 seed in the
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east, syracuse, taking on kansas state. the vice president, joe biden checking out the game. take another look. jordine ends up on press row. he was okay, however. more than okay. his assist to christmas for the jam. then the pullup for two of his 16 points and finally a high floater. scoop giving reporters an easy scoop today. >> the second seeded maryland women had a terrific season winning the a.c.c. tournament crown and earning their 20th trip to the ncaa tournament. >> their opponents in today's first round was navy making its second trip ever. the mid-ship men had never defeated a ranked team or an a.c.c. foe and after today's game, they still have not. elizabeth thomas, coast to coast. then off the navy turn over,
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thomas again. the a.c.c. player of the year with a pretty move in the lane. maryland will play monday night against number 7 louisville. and david feldman is in columbus, ohio, with the georgetown hoyas. he has more from the practice. >> welcome inside the nationwide arena where the hoyas are practice right now behind the curtain. that's the way they like it. if you think they are satisfied after winning the first ncaa tournament game in four years, think again. >> they played very well, shooting 61% from the field and holding belmont to only 311%. the win, while nice, is just one of several to go. >> you know, it's one of several. >> i don't know who we will play after this after we are fortunate enough to win this game but it does not matter.
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we have to win it >> the next team, nc state with 20 wins and a least respect from georgetown. >> they are a very disciplined team, execute their offense very well. that's a credit to their cope. they don't go outside of what they can do. each individual player know what is their strength is. >> the hoyas' offense is unique and causes problems. it often results in easy layups and dunks and easy layups and dunks can, sometimes, depress the opposition. >> sometimes, when you get beat on the back door cut, you feel like you gave up 10 points, but it's 2 points like everything else. but that's what they do. they do it well. we have to play like we do, have poise and do things that we have been doing well up to this point. >> georgetown and nc state
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tomorrow. thank you, feldie. jordan zimmerman threw four scoreless innings. >> the nationals cruising by. >> when it matters, they'll kick it into high gear. >> you know what, speaking of spring, march 21. >> we are back at 10:00 and len tonight. see you then. wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
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